Hey hey hey hey
The title says it all: Hey. This is my inaugural post. Actually the title doesn't quite say it all. It should also have music notation, because I mean it to sound a certain way, like the Fat Albert "Hey hey hey" except with an extra "hey" at the end that goes down a full tone or so. In the key of C, it might go like C D F E. I wish I had a keyboard or perfect pitch, but you probably already know how to say it, and this is already too much preamble. Or is it? I think the blogworld is somewhat forgiving when it comes to self-analysis and rambles. But what do I know? This is my very first entry on my very first blog. And now for a forced segue from the preamble into the meat of this post: Thanks for stopping by, and do add comments. Also, it's somewhat unrealistic to expect regular postings after the initial novelty of having a blog wears off. I'm somewhat unreliable when it comes to personal emails, so I wouldn't expect any more in this medium. On the other hand, (to repeat) what do I know?